Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Lorenzo Cardellini
Lorenzo Cardellini

Posted on • Updated on

[Solved]Loading problem

Very often in xdsea it happens that the images of the NFTs disappear and that there are also problems in uploading images.
The problem is that it also happens on xdc origin.
The upload stays like this forever. Obviously the NFT is not created and neither is the token.
Problem of the platforms or of the blockchain?
For a Token and NFT trader it would be an economic disaster.
I mentioned the problem earlier this year.

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Discussion (9)

rupps_blocksscan profile image
Rupali Mestry

Hello @Lorenzo Cardellini,

Thank you for reporting the issue.

We will be looking forward to get this issue resolved asap as we are sharing the query with the concern team.

We will update you once resolution received.

Thank you for your patience.

lorenzo_cardellini_62455d profile image
Lorenzo Cardellini Author

There are also problems in explorers.
The testnet works fine, while mainnet just loads the background with no information.

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hey ,
Can you please share the screenshot, so that I can assist you properly
because everything seems to be working at my end.

lorenzo_cardellini_62455d profile image
Lorenzo Cardellini Author


lorenzo_cardellini_62455d profile image
Lorenzo Cardellini Author

It also happens with
If I use the xdc blockchain it is not possible to upload anything, consequently Tokens and NFTs are not created.

lorenzo_cardellini_62455d profile image
Lorenzo Cardellini Author • Edited on

Tried Primeport.
For nft in xdc network testnet works, for xdc minnet network everything is blocked.

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hello @lorenzo_cardellini_62455d,

Could you kindly provide a detailed overview of the steps you took to comprehend 'mintnit' and 'primport'? Your insights would be greatly appreciated and help us gain a better understanding.

lorenzo_cardellini_62455d profile image
Lorenzo Cardellini Author

Sorry, everything works now.
Though primeport only works for testnet.
In Discord he also tried @C'est La Vie and it didn't work for him on the mainnet either.

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hello @lorenzo_cardellini_62455d,
Kindly provide comprehensive details so that we can replicate the issue and offer an enhanced solution.