Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Lance Lilly
Lance Lilly

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[Informative] XDC Network Increases Developer Contributions

In our previous post, we discussed the June 1st developer report from Electric Capital which showed the XDC Network having 8 full-time developers and 28 total developers. A new report for October 1st shows more growth for the XDC Network with 10 full time developers and 30 total developers. Upon analyzing the data between June 1 and October 1 we found that the XDC Network had 12 full-time developers in August!

XDC Network Developer Activity as of Oct 1

Electric Capital's developer report doesn't track all development on the network and there are obviously more than 10 developers building on XDC. What this report does provide is open-source activity and development through public repositories. This can be one tool for gauging the health and vibrancy of a developer community and the technology they're working with.

So where did the growth come from? Well, part of this growth came from making sure all the work and contributions from the community were counted. We analyzed the repositories being monitored by Electric Capital and found that many repos were not being monitored. When those repositories were identified we sent a request for them to be added.

Our last report for June 1st had 308 repos and the most recent report shows 323 total repositories. Monthly commits significantly increased from around 280 monthly commits as of June 1st to 364 as of Oct 1st. If we look at August, which had 12 full-time contributors, the total monthly commits were as high as 600!

Just as exciting as the full-time developer growth was the increase in monthly active devs. The XDC Network saw an increase from 25 to 30 active developers. The month of June actually shows 34 developers were active. This statistic is just as important to watch as it can be a good tool for measuring new developers.

Making sure the right repositories are being monitored is vital to accurately measuring everyone's contributions, as we can tell by this new report, but there is still a lot of room for growth. The XDC Network has had an impressive amount of growth in its ecosystem over the past 2 years. With this growth comes increased exposure, impact, and opportunity for contributors to benefit from that.

1 Oct report: https: //

XDC Network repos:

Electric Capital's About page explains how they measure activity and generate their reports.

Full-time: 10 or more days with commits in the previous 30 days.
Part-time: More than 1 day with commits but less than 10

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