The current minting of 80 million is so low at about a quarter of 1% of total supply ...
as a comparison, Solana "mints" at 7% of total supply right now (they are going to reduce each year until it reaches 1.5% per annum in the years to come) ...
As an example, with 108 xdc validators and 400 backups ...
428,000,000 xdc would be minted per annum with 1M xdc per validator and 800,000 xdc per backup per annum (108*1M + 400*800,000 = 428,000,000 xdc) ...
428 Million is roughly 1% of total supply of appoximately 40 Billion
This inflation rate is comparable to bitcoin and even less than gold's inflation rate of 2%. This is needed to not exhaust the premined needed for eco system development and from what's coming down the pike, this is not the time to cut back as XDC Network expands worldwide.
The current minting of 80 million is so low at about a quarter of 1% of total supply ...
as a comparison, Solana "mints" at 7% of total supply right now (they are going to reduce each year until it reaches 1.5% per annum in the years to come) ...
As an example, with 108 xdc validators and 400 backups ...
428,000,000 xdc would be minted per annum with 1M xdc per validator and 800,000 xdc per backup per annum (108*1M + 400*800,000 = 428,000,000 xdc) ...
428 Million is roughly 1% of total supply of appoximately 40 Billion
This inflation rate is comparable to bitcoin and even less than gold's inflation rate of 2%. This is needed to not exhaust the premined needed for eco system development and from what's coming down the pike, this is not the time to cut back as XDC Network expands worldwide.
Great points. This puts everything in perspective.