Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: [Informative]Enhancing Gas Fee Efficiency on the XDC Network: Improving Gas Management for Sustainable Operations.

inv4fee2020 profile image
inv4fee2020 • Edited on

Before performing the upgrade steps, any customisations on your node should be saved i.e.

  • '.env' (node name & contact)
  • 'docker-compose.yml' (for any nginx config)

Performing the following additional steps will help migrate any customisations;

  1. 'git stash' to save your customisations
  2. 'git pull' to get the new updates
  3. 'git stash apply' to merge in your saved customisations
  4. './' to restart the container.

These are the steps I performed on both of my Apothem nodes and resulted in clean upgrades.