so this brings on another question: I am developing a food ordering app. I need to dispatch orders that are placed to workers on the ground, can blockchain do order assignment? I'm assuming it can handle this task. My off chain data will be on firebase etc
Yes. In this case, the L2 (which is your primary ordering service app) can use L1 (XDC Mainnet) functionality to confirm the orders and/or schedule them. There are some open source references on github to take inspiration from if its something that you may want to refer:
so this brings on another question: I am developing a food ordering app. I need to dispatch orders that are placed to workers on the ground, can blockchain do order assignment? I'm assuming it can handle this task. My off chain data will be on firebase etc
Yes. In this case, the L2 (which is your primary ordering service app) can use L1 (XDC Mainnet) functionality to confirm the orders and/or schedule them. There are some open source references on github to take inspiration from if its something that you may want to refer:
thank you very much. i will take a read