Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: [Informative] Upgrade Plan for XDCValidator Contract

galaxyscitech profile image
Galaxy Author

Option 1 The assets will remain in both the old contract and the new contract. As a dapp project, you need to withdraw the assets from the old contract first, then change the validator address to the new contract, and call the new contract later

Option 2 The asset remains in the contract, As a dapp project, no need to do anything

0xbeny profile image

I feel option 2 is a better solution. we should have a safe migration plan for new updates, Security-first approach might help in this case as XDCValidator contract is one of most important SCs on XDC Network.

Many projects may depend on XDCValidator SC as a source to verify MasterNodes and pull some data, the upgrade should be backward-compatible regarding storage slots and its SC address.