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Milestone 1 Delivery Report on ChainIDE for XDC

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed Milestone 1. To demonstrate our progress, we've recorded a video that includes specific timestamps, which is available via the Dropbox link below. We have already started work on Milestone 2 and are confident in our ability to deliver it on schedule.

Proposal Link:

Milestone 1 [Infrastructure-related] [Status: DONE]

Cloud-based IDE base functions:

Functional Module Description
User system Provide GitHub login and cloud cross-platform login for users and guests.
Project module Provide both cloud and browser storage functions for projects, allowing developers to switch between storage modes based on individual needs.
File system Support various file operation functions. Plus, include pull & push from GitHub/Gist.
Front-end support Provide front-end editing, display, preview, and other functions that support multiple languages(JS, Html. CSS, Sol, Rust, etc).
Sandbox development environment Provide a cloud-based Sandbox environment where users can run a terminal on ChainIDE XDC.

Milestone 2 [Chain-related] [Status: IN PROGRESS] [Deadline: Jul 14, 2023]

Customized IDE features for XDC:

Functional Module Description
Front-end UI Design a customized style of UI for XDC.
Smart contract template Provide smart contract templates for quick start development.
Wallet module Provide a wallet module that allows users to check wallet information, and interact with the XDC through Metamask and XDC Wallet.
Editor Provide common features of a Solidity language editor that meet the needs of most developers.
Plug-in system Provide multiple web3 plugins to facilitate user operations such as JS VM, debugging, verification and open-source plugin system.
Terminal image support Provide Terminal Images commonly used for XDC development.

Video Link:


Test Website:

1 - User system 00:03

2 - Project module 00:36

3 - File system 01:12

4 - Front-end support 02:45

5 - Sandbox development environment 04:17


TypeError Screenshot

Note 1: The “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'textContent')” error that appears in the console is not a problem originating from ChainIDE itself, but a non-breaking minor code issue in the index.html, which is generated by ChatGPT.

Sandbox Screenshot

Note 2: The inability to open the Sandbox development environment is due to the terminal image function, which is currently unavailable as it's scheduled for deployment in Milestone 2. Once Milestone 2 is completed, this feature will become fully accessible.

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