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daniel weber
daniel weber

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How to Install Solidity in Windows?

To install solidity on windows ensure that you are using windows 10, as only windows 10 provides built-in Linux Subsystem. With the help of this feature, we can run the Ubuntu terminal on the Windows machine.

Below are the steps to setup Solidity on windows:

Step 1: Open control panel on your system and toggle to Windows Subsystem for Linux under Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features >Turn Windows features on or off.
windows feature

Step 2: After your system restarts install โ€œUbuntu LTS 18.04โ€ from Microsoft store and after installation set it up.

Step 3: After setting up Bash install and check necessary dependencies like cURL, Node version manager(NVM), NodeJS and Node Packet Manager(NPM) using the following commands:

Installing cURL :
sudo apt-get install curl
curl --version
command promt

Installing NVM:
curl -o- | bash
nvm --version
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Installing NodeJS and NPM:
nvm install node
node --version
npm --version
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After installing the dependencies, install and check solidity compiler solc by using following code:
npm install -g solc
solcjs --version
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Discussion (1)

leopoldcod profile image

I also recommend installing the pro version of Windows 11. Everything works better for me on this system. The price in this store is really great: