Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: [Proposal] Revision of the limitation of the number of masternode

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Boris XDC

Mr. Yoshida, First off thank you for participating in the XDCNetwork and expressing your trust in this remarkable chain on behalf of SBI VC Trade and it's clients.

From a Retail (& Institutional client (-to retail)) perspective the desire to increase in either cap of n0 of MN / SB Nodes or increase limitation of 10mio XDC to be staked has been there. For retail it would provide a passive income stream, allowing (long term) HODLERs to lock their precious XDC against a lucrative APY. In turn this would increase TVL on the network which results in greater network stability. win - win.

Yet, there is much more to this, from a technical & tokenomics-perspective than just elevate the caps & limitation to increase the n0 on the network. This would be something to collaborate on with the core team (XinFin or Foundation).

But with that being said, as far as I'm concerned, as a Retail investor / XDC OG, I hereby do like to express my support to increase the # of (reward earning) nodes in any way possible as long as it doesn't affect the network's current stability = YES.