Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: XDC 2.0 Mainnet Release: Key Features and Enhancements

anilchinchawale profile image
AnilChinchawale Author


We've implemented a fix to address the IP address exposure issue following the XDC 2.0 upgrade. It’s important for all node operators to fetch the latest changes from Git to ensure your node remains secure.

Run the following command to update:

bash mainnet/

Thread Thread
11ppm profile image

Dear Anil and the XDC Team,

Thank you for your prompt response and for addressing the IP address exposure issue. I have successfully updated my node following the instructions provided.

Additionally, I noticed that the issue with the line "./" in the docker-compose.yml file has now been correctly changed to "./". I was planning to report this today, but I’m glad to see that it has already been fixed.

I truly appreciate the quick action taken by the team.

Best regards,
