Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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All 26 comments

XDC 2.0 Mainnet Release: Key Features and Enhancements

Dear Anil and the XDC Team, Thank you for your prompt respon...

XDC 2.0 Mainnet Release: Key Features and Enhancements

Subject: Security Concerns Regarding IP Address Expo...

[Informative] Upgrading XDC Clients from v1.4.4 (Old Directory Structure) to Newer v1.6.0

Thank you for the wonderful procedure, as always. Indeed, the...

Introduction to the XDC Network Masternode App with Improved Features.

Hi @anilchinchawale , The website is down...

[Solved] Issue with One-Click Installer Download Availability

@mitali_blocksscan Thank you very much. A few days ago, when ...

[Solved] Issue with One-Click Installer Download Availability

Hellow @mitali_blocksscan Understood. Thank you. I have alre...

Access the XDC Network Masternode App with Wallet Connect for Enhanced Masternode Functionality

Hi ruslan, I want to get the Masternode App, but I can't find...

[Informative] Unveiling MLETR’s Potential in International Trade with TradeTrust-XDC Network Partnership.

Dear Team, I am encountering the following error: ✖ error...

[Query] Query on Recent Masternode Snapshot Alterations

I understand well. Thank you.

[Query] Query on Recent Masternode Snapshot Alterations

Thank you for your polite response. Yes, I ended up doing the...

[WIP] HeadTracker is not capturing few blocks in Apothem / Mainnet

Thank you for your response, and I also appreciate the daily ...

[WIP] HeadTracker is not capturing few blocks in Apothem / Mainnet

I am very grateful for your comment. And what I want to ask i...

[Solved] Query about XDC Mainnet Gas Price Post-XDPoS 2.0 Upgrade

Thank you for your reply. appreciate it🙏

[Solved] Query about XDC Mainnet Gas Price Post-XDPoS 2.0 Upgrade

Thank you for your response🙏 I understand that gas prices are...

[Solved] Facing deployment issue on Apothem XDC and Mainnet

Thank you for the great development. I want to convey my hope...

[Solved] 502 Error on Apothem Network WebSocket

Hi Mitali_BlocksScan. Thank you very much. All websockets are...

[Solved] 502 Error on Apothem Network WebSocket

@mitali_blocksscan I appreciate your support. Based on my ob...

[Solved] 502 Error on Apothem Network WebSocket

Unfortunately, it will result in an error. Doraemon@TEST:~...

[Solved] 502 Error on Apothem Network WebSocket

The same error occurred again. Doraemon@TEST:~$ wscat -c w...

Setting Up an RPC Node Server for Your DApp on XDC Network: A Comprehensive Guide

I set up a full node yesterday and used a snapshot to synchro...

Setting Up an RPC Node Server for Your DApp on XDC Network: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you so much for the wonderful guide. I had resigned mys...

How to access or create an XDC Network account via MyCrypto wallet

Thanks for sharing this very useful information. It was very ...

(It happened again.)The dissociation between "Current Value" and "Estimated Value on Day of Txn On the Explorer

Thank you so much🙏

(It happened again.)The dissociation between "Current Value" and "Estimated Value on Day of Txn On the Explorer

Thank you so much🙏

The dissociation between "Current Value" and "Estimated Value on Day of Txn On the Explorer

I was able to check. Thanks for the quick fix.


Here is an article by Lokesh on the "plugin-truffle-box". Plu...
