Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Richard Larsson
Richard Larsson

Posted on • Updated on

[WIP]Can't connect explorer to Web3

Prompted with "Please install BlocksPay/MetaMask extension" when clicking "Connect to Web3" under "Contract" in using Brave browser.

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Discussion (1)

vinn_9686 profile image
Vinn • Edited on

Hello @0xrla

Please follow the steps below to connect the Explorer to Metamask. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

  • Navigate to the "Write Contract" section under the Contract page, and click on the "Connect to Web3" button.
  • Upon clicking, choose the address you wish to connect to the explorer, and then click on the "Next" button.
  • Metamask will prompt a confirmation dialog to connect. Click on the "Connect" button to proceed.
  • Finally, return to the explorer screen and click on the "Connect to Web3" button again.