Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: XDCDAO: Understanding the Proposal Window

0xbeny profile image
Beny Author • Edited on

Thanks for your comment. I've edited the master node article to address this question. also explain it here in more details as well.

assume we have t1 and t2. any time between t1, t2 is considered as proposal window and as described in this article its role is mainly receiving votes, and manages execution logic.

So, A master node should be registered once before t1 OR t2 after. (not in between!).
this registration of delegate works for other windows down the road. XDCDAO does not expect that master nodes every time come and delegate(it's One-time registration)

mrblockchain22 profile image
Salomon Morales

This makes sense. Thank you!