Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

sand Ciaran
sand Ciaran

Posted on

[WIP] Can't generate nonce from


When trying to find a nonce for an xdc address from

It appears that the text box will not allow the full address to be typed or pasted- i have tried xdcADDRESS or 0xADDRESS

Is anyone else having this is problem or could someone else test?

Discussion (3)

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hello @sand_ciaran
We've identified an issue with the Nonce utility on Our team is currently investigating and implementing a solution. We appreciate your patience and anticipate resolving this matter promptly.

Thank you for your understanding

sand_ciaran profile image
sand Ciaran Author

Hi @Mitali_BlockScan
Have you had a chance to look at this issue?
It appears that i still can't get the current nonce from the xinfin website.

When i get the nonce (blockscan last send transaction) and I try to broadcast an offline transaction - i Get an error - can't fetch nonce.

Is there a current problem related problem with the send to offline tx broadcaster too? (

mitali_blocksscan profile image


if you are using the "XDC Broadcaster" just to check the nonce, we recommend using the explorer instead. :

Here are the steps:

  • Access the Explorer.
  • Copy your wallet address and click on the latest transaction.
  • Click on "+ Click to show more" to view the nonce for that particular address.