Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

impi speed
impi speed

Posted on

[Solved] What am I doing wrong...

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Good day
I wanted to send 3000 XDC from the My Ether Wallet as a test today, but it doesn't work.
I entered everything correctly and can't press Next.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Did I forget something?

Discussion (2)

anilchinchawale profile image
AnilChinchawale • Edited on


MEW Support only 0x prefix in address , I would suggest you to replace first 3 letter xdc from address to 0x to use MEW or alternative you can try to use both prefix while making transfer.

impi_speed_2d051fd3c60b13 profile image
impi speed Author

Great thank you, now it works :-)
I didn't know about 0x hehe