StorX is one of the best nodes for passive income
Farm Node Staking Requirements
- Suggested VPS: Contabo VPS XL or VPS 1400
- SRX (XDC-address) to receive rewards (XDCPay or D’Cent wallet)
- Current Minimum Staking amount: 15,000 SRX coins (StorX Farm Node Minimum Staking Increment Model)
- 0.1 XDC for fees
Farm Node Hardware Requirements
- One Processor Core
- Minimum 1 TB of available disk space
- Minimum 10 TB of available bandwidth a month
- Minimum upload speed of 25 MBPS
- Minimum download speed of 25 MBPS
- Ensure Node availability 24/7
How to Acquire SRX Token ?
Acquire tokens from the exchanges or by Referring StorX to your friends or earn as Bounty
To get hosting and staking rewards, farmer must stake the SRX token and maintain sufficient node 'REPUTATION'.
Low 'REPUTATION' may result into reduce in Hosting rewards.
How to Setup StorX Farmer node
Method 1: Setup StorX Farmer node Bootstrap Script
Bootstrap Command StorX Node Setup:
sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root
Examples :-
root……..:~# sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root
Please enter your XDC Address for StorX Rewards:- xdc……
Method 2: Setup StorX Farmer Node Docker
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher Should be facing internet directly with public IP & without NAT
Tools: Docker, Docker Compose (1.29.2+) Setup (For Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher Operating System)
Clone repository
git clone
Enter StorX-Node directory
cd StorX-Node
Step 1: Install docker & docker-compose
sudo bash ./
Step 2: Update .env file with details
Create .env file by using the sample - .env.example
Enter either your StorX Rewards address in the WALLETADD field.
cp env.example .env
nano .env
Step 3: Start your Node
For MainNet Run:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-services.yml up -d
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-services.yml down
Step 4: Stake SRX token
After setting up FarmNode/StorageNode please Stake SRX token from the URL :
IMP Note : You have to stake SRX token to get hosting and staking rewards.
How to Check Status
To check the status of your node:
sudo bash ./
How to Upgrade your StorX Farmer Node
How to upgrade your StorX node with the latest changes?
git pull
sudo bash ./
Any Queries, Follow StorX social channels:
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