Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for [Hackathon] Dimohack VITAP
Anushka Chaudhary
Anushka Chaudhary

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[Hackathon] Dimohack VITAP

Github Link
Video 1 link
Video 2 link

Project Description
"Wear your spirit on your skin"
It provides an Digital platform for tattoo artists to sell,purchase or bid on various tatto designs as NFTs available onplatform and earn from their artistic skills.
A Change in the traditional tattoo industry where the designs are not unique &can be used by multiple designers,also the customers do not have monopoly on their tattoos this leaves behind a sense of being similar with everyone else around us with nothing unique and new of its own kind,Tatto NFT digitalizes the entire tattoo industry where a person can claim his/her entire rights over a design and may use it for themselves only and if he/she is a artist the design they bought becomes exclusive for their customer base only.This will decrease the repeatative nature of tattoo designs in the industry.The website is a open space to all and one can avail the features available on the platfotrm just by signing up through a simple login page.The webpages has been divided into sections like :
1)top picks of the weeks 2)options to create your own NFTs and set up the wallet 3)list your creations
4)put your nfts for sale etc
it also a live auction section which displays the nfts on auction ,their current price and allows you to bid for it. Furthermore it shows the most popular collection of nfts from various designers and a list of top designers too so that we can hover on their artwork.It provides a safe and secure marketplace for the trading of nft with no direct physical involvement.
The technologies used for the project are HTML/CSS JavaScript Figma and Blockchain.

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