Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Atul Khekade
Atul Khekade

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[Informative] Launch strategy and code for Invoice de-duplication application on XDC Network

Deploying an invoice deduplication prevention DApp (Decentralized Application) on the XinFin XDC Network involves several steps, including designing the smart contract, testing it, and deploying it to the network. The primary goal of this DApp would be to ensure that each invoice is unique and not duplicated, which can be achieved by creating a smart contract that registers each invoice's unique identifier (e.g., an invoice number or hash) on the blockchain. When a new invoice is issued, the smart contract checks whether its identifier is already registered, thus preventing duplication.

Here's a simplified approach to creating and deploying such a DApp:

- 1. Smart Contract Development
We'll write a basic smart contract in Solidity, which is compatible with the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) layer of the XinFin Network. This contract will store invoice identifiers and provide a function to check for duplicates before adding a new one.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract InvoiceRegistry {
    // Mapping to store invoice hash as key and existence as value
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) private invoiceExists;

    // Event to emit when a new invoice is registered
    event InvoiceRegistered(bytes32 indexed invoiceHash);

    // Function to register a new invoice
    function registerInvoice(bytes32 invoiceHash) public {
        require(!invoiceExists[invoiceHash], "Invoice already exists.");
        invoiceExists[invoiceHash] = true;
        emit InvoiceRegistered(invoiceHash);

    // Function to check if an invoice exists
    function isInvoiceRegistered(bytes32 invoiceHash) public view returns (bool) {
        return invoiceExists[invoiceHash];
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- 2. Testing
Before deploying, thoroughly test your smart contract using tools like Truffle or Hardhat. These tools allow you to write automated tests in JavaScript or Solidity, which is crucial for ensuring your contract behaves as expected.

- 3. Deployment
To deploy the smart contract to the XinFin XDC Network, follow these steps:

Prepare your environment: Ensure you have xdc-cli installed on your machine. This tool is similar to Ethereum's eth-cli but tailored for the XinFin Network.

Connect to XinFin Network: Choose a network (mainnet or testnet) and configure xdc-cli to connect to it.
Deploy the Contract:
Compile the smart contract using a Solidity compiler like solc.

Use xdc-cli to deploy the compiled contract to the XinFin Network.

You'll need a small amount of XDC to pay for the gas fees associated with contract deployment.

Here's a simplified command to deploy using xdc-cli:


xdc-cli contract:deploy --gas 3000000 --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE CompiledContract.bin
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Note: Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE with your actual private key and CompiledContract.bin with the path to your compiled contract bytecode.

- 4. Interacting with the DApp
After deployment, interact with your smart contract using xdc-cli or a web interface that communicates with the XinFin Network through Web3.js or ethers.js libraries. You can create a simple web application that allows users to register and verify invoices through your smart contract.

This is a basic overview and starting point. Depending on your specific requirements, the smart contract and deployment process might need adjustments. Always ensure to follow best practices for smart contract development, including security audits, to prevent vulnerabilities.

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